Sunday, November 6, 2011

Motivated by the Gospel (Ephesians 1:1-14)

In this message, Kris Brossett, discusses what it means to be Motivated by the Gospel. Since the beginning of time, God has cared about His name and His glory. He has been on a mission to make His name great amongst all His creation. His creation, whom He formed from dust, turned from Him to worship creation rather than their Creator, who loves them so much. This sin has separated them from Him, and warranted their ultimate destruction. But God, in the richness of His patience, and the depth of His love, set out to rescue His lost creation and draw them back to Himself through Jesus. Through this process, called salvation, His people are able to see the weight of the offense they have committed against Him. They are also able to see the greatness of their God, the depth of His mercy, and the riches of His glory. In turn, they are motivated by the grace they have been shown, to proclaim His name to everyone, everywhere! They are motivated to worship, serve, and submit their lives to the God of their salvation. Not from compulsion, not to earn His love, but because He has already loved them!

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